Customer Satisfaction Survey

Read more about the results of our latest customer satisfaction survey.


Survey demonstrates 82% satisfaction levels

Many thanks go to the 164 people who responded to the 2023-24 customer survey.

This is the largest response to-date and really helps the HFA understand where it can continue to develop and improve.

Congratulations go to Louise Williams who was the lucky recipient of the £50 amazon voucher.

The responses have been carefully reviewed and will help to shape the direction of the HFA over the next year. One key piece of feedback will be to provide clarity in terms of the difference between the HFA itself and the Junior Leagues, which both operate separately to the HFA, with opportunities given to provide feedback to the Leagues themselves.

One common piece of feedback was to continue the work that we do in terms of supporting the investment into facilities. To support this, we will continue to release newsletters and promotional materials advertising opportunities that are available.

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to respond.

For more information, please email info@herefordshirefa.com