Play Safe

Safeguarding Newsletter - September 2024

Our latest safeguarding spotlight, with a focus on Play Safe.

Welcome to the new footballing season! I’m sure that the summer break seems like a distant memory for many of you. As we get back into the swing of things this newsletter will highlight the new Respect Codes of Conduct, guidelines for a positive playing environment as well as the upcoming FA Play Safe weekend. As well as a few reminders and some dates for your diary.

Play Safe Weekend 2024

Play Safe

A reminder that this year’s PlaySafe Weekend will be taking place one the 28th and 29th of September. Thank you to those clubs who have signed up directly with the FA recently. This is a big weekend in the FA Safeguarding calendar and we would like to build on our local campaign year. As with last year we will be running a competition for all teams to enter. The winner will receive a bag of footballs. To enter please share via email or over social media, tag the HFA in, any pictures or videos of your teams displaying the words PlaySafe. Be as creative as you can. Last year we shared a number of the pictures we received with the FA team and they were used in various national presentations. More information will be sent out prior to the weekend so please keep a look out for it.

Smokefree Sidelines

As you are aware, we have been working with Herefordshire Councils Public Health Department on a Smokefree Sidelines campaign. The aim is to introduce the campaign as part of the nation’s Stoptober initiative. Clubs with have the chance to sign up and opt in to take part. The hope is that there will be various campaign materials for clubs to display around their club houses and pitches on matchdays. As a reminder, no club officials will be expected to police this or ask anyone to stop smoking or to move further away from the playing environment. It is hoped that by having the campaign materials clearly visible that people will think twice before they smoke/vape in the same vicinity where children are playing. More information to follow so please keep a look out.

Smokefree Sidelines

Sharing Positive Stories

Please keep sharing positive stories from your clubs, we think it’s really important to highlight and share all the great work that our volunteers do and the things that our players are able to achieve and overcome. Our next newsletter will showcase these stories so please email me a brief description along with a picture if possible.


Validation Visits

Every season we are required to visit a number of clubs at random to ensure that essential safeguarding measures are in place and that various club officials and parents are aware of the guidelines and reporting procedures were they to have a concern. We will be contacting clubs over the coming weeks to ask for your training schedules. These visits are nothing to be concerned about, in my experience they have been very positive and have enabled clubs to highlight the great work that takes place.

The HFA Safeguarding Dashboard if updated regularly and is full of useful documents and guidelines. Please follow this link:


Over the last week or so we have had a number of incidents where clubs have been ‘oversharing’ identifiable and personal information about their young players. Up to date FA policies and guidelines  on social media use can be found here. I would like to bring to your attention this point;

Don’t: Post detail of individuals which may lead them to be identified e.g. school/class/ year, player profiles detailing personal information e.g. favourite foods, movies, teams etc.;


To safeguard our young players please don’t share any personal or identifiable information.

Also, u7 – u11 leagues are non-published so please refrain from posting scores and match results on public facing platforms.

Positive Match Day Environment


Colleagues at Norfolk FA have spent the summer consulting with their Leagues and various committee members with the hope of making matchdays a more welcoming and positive environment for all. Although we do not have the same number of incidents of poor behaviour here in Herefordshire, I thought it would be beneficial to clubs to see their clearly detailed diagram for a matchday set-up. Please use and share if you think it will be of benefit to your clubs.

How To Report a Concern


Please see below a helpful document with a step by step guide on how to report a concern:



• Enjoy The Game - we're here to enjoy ourselves... win, lose or draw.
 Give Respect - we always treat others as we'd like to be treated.
 Be Inclusive - we embrace our differences... football is a game for everyone.
 Work Together - we're a team, on and off the pitch.
 Play Safe - we all have a role in safeguarding children


Together, these Standards of Behaviour promote a positive, inclusive and respectful football experience for everyone.
One in which your club can take pride in. One which makes even the strongest football clubs stronger.
One which better represents our communities


As we enter the new season it’s important to continue to remind ourselves, players, coaches, parents and spectators of the Respect Codes of Conduct. The first weekend of matches brought with it a number of concerns regarding the behaviour of few overinvolved spectators. Although it is only a small percentage of people to behave inappropriately it does put a dampener on things. Please continue to highlight the Codes Of Conduct to all members of your clubs. Follow this link for a copy of the most recent FA Codes of Conduct as well as a number of useful resources which you may find helpful: TheGrassroots Code | England Football

Please follow this link Safeguarding | England Football where you will find a comprehensive list of FA guidelines, up to date information on procedures, guidance and initiatives. I would like to highlight one of the most recent and important campaigns:


Their Coach. Their Safety. Your Call.

The right experience needs the right coach. And the right coaches have the right coaching qualifications, suitable coach ratio to children, DBS checks and safeguarding training. There should be someone who is accountable for overseeing the coach’s practice. Never be afraid to ask if they’re all up to date. Your child’s football experience can depend on it.

 Their Coach. Their Safety. Your Call. | England Football

Dates for your Diaries:


Female Only Referee Course | Expression Of Interest

Form: Female Only - Referee Course - Google Forms

Coaches Workshops

  • Thurs 10th October - Introduction to Delivering a Coaching Session (I2CF+)
  • Thursday 7th November - How to deliver engaging coaching sessions for 7-11 year olds       
  • Monday 24th February - How to deliver engaging coaching sessions for 12-16 year olds    
  • Wednesday 30th April - How to deliver engaging coaching sessions for 17+ year olds        


Coach Education | Herefordshire FA Womens Coach Development Group 

•            Wednesday 27th November – Workshop @ Venue TBC

•            Monday 2nd December - Online

•            Wednesday February 12th - Workshop @ Venue TBC

•            Wednesday 25th June – Online

HFA Hereford FC Girls ETC - Player Referral Form

Form: HFA Hereford FC Girls ETC - Referral Form - Google Forms

CWO CPD Events: Dates TBC

Play Safe Weekend: September 28th and 29th


Thank you for your ongoing support!


Contact us:


Pay us a visit: Herefordshire County Ground, Widemarsh Common, Hereford. Office open hours 8am - 4pm, Monday to Friday

Give us a call: 01432 342197

Email us: