Grassroots football awards

Keeping Football Positive Award

City of sanctuary

City of Sanctuary

How did you feel when you heard about winning the Grassroots Award for 2024?

I am very flattered! I don’t feel as if I have done a lot, but as ever it is very much a team effort and I was part of the team, as a representative of Herefordshire City of Sanctuary..


What is your favourite thing about your role within local football in Herefordshire?

I enjoyed witnessing the positive benefits to the physical and mental health of a marginalised group, who clearly thrived in their football sessions, and the other opportunities made available to them thanks to Scott and the wider FA team.

What are your aspirations for local football in Herefordshire?

I aspire to it being inclusive, and being used as a vehicle for improving social relations and reducing marginalisation for groups who do not feel part of the mainstream.

 What encouraging words would you have for anyone wanting to get involved with local football?

The FA were incredibly supportive in the development and implementation of this project, and with their help you will be surprised about what is possible.