Grassroots football awards

Referee of the Year

Liam Brace

How did you feel when you heard about winning the grassroots award for 2024? 

I felt extremely over the moon to receive the Grassroots Award in Herefordshire. For my refereeing throughout the county in adult and junior football and always being welcomed to any game I officiate on in Herefordshire. I’m also thankful for the continued support I have in Herefordshire, to get me to where I am today. 


What is your favourite thing about your role within local football in Herefordshire?

My favourite thing about refereeing in Herefordshire is being welcomed at every club. Always clubs are happy to see me and officiate there matches. I also like to mentor young and upcoming referees to give them the opportunities I have been given to ultimately get where I am in refereeing today. 


What are you aspirations for local football in Herefordshire?

My aspiration for local football in Herefordshire. Is to continue my role with the Herefordshire RA now as chairman and to develop referees and offered support through the refereeing network we have in Herefordshire. 


What encouraging words would you have for anyone wanting to get involved within local football?

I would encourage anyone 14 plus to get involved with refereeing it’s fun and enjoyable and you always get support whether it’s from HFA RA or through your mentor. Just reach out and the support is there.