Grassroots football awards

Young Volunteer of the Year

Jess Bullock - Wessington juniors 

How did you feel when you heard about winning the grassroots award for 2024?

I was over the moon and really happy. It was very rewarding to know all my hard work over the past year had been recognised as I do really enjoy it.


What is your favourite thing about your role within local football in Herefordshire?

Coaching. I am now assistant coach, and I really enjoy it. I love working with the players and seeing them develop not only physically but watching their personalities and friendships grow within the team.


What are your aspirations for local football in Herefordshire?

I hope for everyone to enjoy football. Whether you are a player, volunteer within a club or a parent on the sidelines. Grassroots football is a community.


What encouraging words would you have for anyone wanting to get involved with local football?

There is a lot more to football than just playing football or being a coach. You make new friends, develop personally and learn new skills which will be with you for life.

Grassroots Awards