HFA Confirm Departure of Sean Dipple
Herefordshire FA confirm departure of Referee Development Officer Sean Dipple
The HFA can confirm that, owing to the financial challenges caused by Covid-19, it has been necessary to reduce its headcount. In accordance with the FA’s recommended workforce structure for County FA’s of the HFA’s banding, the Referee Development Officer role is therefore being made redundant.
The HFA is able to confirm that Referee Development services will instead now be provided by Ollie Williams, Worcestershire FA’s current RDO. Ollie will be the main point of contact for Match Officials from 4 August 2020 and will be contacting all Match Officials directly on this shortly.
The Herefordshire FA would like to place on record its thanks to Sean Dipple for his dedication to the HFA and wishes him all the very best for the future. The HFA is pleased to confirm that Sean’s experience won’t be lost completely, as he will continue to provide a range of services such as course tutoring.